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2023-02-23 18:10:18



This is completely impossible and unnecessary.


The Indian people have never completed a joint war through their own strength, while China has completed it 2000 years ago. China has a strong and centralized government that can play a more efficient role in the war. The 9.6 million square kilometers of land is not a gift from heaven to the Chinese people, but is formed after thousands of years of war and ethnic integration.


However, Indian rifle bullets are still heavily imported.


International political environment:


China is the five permanent members of the United Nations. Although India often receives support from the other four countries on international issues, it is only because they want to sell military equipment to India.


Operational terrain:


If China and India go to war, China has an advantage in the terrain.


In the face of the Qinghai-Tibet Plateau, Indian aircraft had to climb from the beginning and could not be loaded with ammunition, while China was at the top, and its weapons and equipment were directed at the center of India, occupying a geostrategic advantage.


Military equipment:


China's J20 has been put into service, but India's rifle bullets have not been completely localized.


In the past few years, China has equipped Type 15 light tanks, which are more suitable for fighting in plateau and rugged environment. India's heavy tanks have no better mobility and can only be targeted.


The process of war:


Please refer to the history of the Middle East War. India will not get better results than the Arab countries, because the military gap between China and India is greater.


"Some people say that this is not India in 1962, but now China is not China in 1962." Now the military gap between China and India is larger than that in 1962, and India will be more easily defeated.


In 1962, India's GDP was twice that of China; In 2021, China's GDP is 5.5 times that of India.


In 1962, China did not join the United Nations; In 2021, China will become five permanent members.


In 1962, China used a large number of Soviet weapons; In 2021, China has a large number of domestic weapons.


Compared with China, India's political, military and economic conditions are worse than in 1962.


Who gives you the courage to believe that India may achieve better results in the military conflict than in 1962? Even in the local war, India cannot take any advantage. In my opinion, if there is a local war in northeast India, India will surrender within 72 hours.


For more than 2000 years, only the Chinese people can defeat China!


The enemy of the Indian people is not China, but India's land policy, weak central government, strong local government, false data, religious fraud, caste, laziness, unified language, low status of women, blind confidence...


In 1980, India's GDP was similar to that of China, but now China is five times that of India - why?


The population is similar to that of China, but India has never won individual gold medals at the Olympic Games - why?


Which is more suitable for developing countries is a question to consider. Western-style democracy is not a panacea. No developing country relies on Western-style democracy to become a developed country.


The Chinese never love war, but in order to defend the motherland, the Chinese will be stronger than anyone else.


I will try to answer your question simply. First of all, I am Indian.


1. Population. India is the only country in the world that has the potential to defeat China, because it has enough population, which is one of the reasons for Japan's failure.


2. Technology. India has the same technical level as China.


3. Religion. Religion can make people strong. We must pay attention to the victory of the soul.


4. System. India has a superior system that China does not have. Under this system, everyone can find their own position. China has no such system. Chinese tradition is disappearing. This is the victory of the system.


5. International influence. India obviously has greater international influence than China. India can get the support of the United States, the European Union and Russia. The support of these countries is obviously overwhelming. This is India's victory.


6 Combat effectiveness. It is obvious that China has not had a war for a long time, and may have forgotten how to fight. You can try. This is a good signal.


So I think India may defeat China. India's potential is boundless.


In China, India is called "A San" (=third), which means the third in the world. I hope there is no war between China and India, because the war is crazy, and I don't want to win.


No, absolutely impossible.


China's weapons technology has progressed so fast that even the United States and Russia, the two military superpowers in the world, consider it a threat of rapid development.


The border war between India and China will end in a bloody stalemate. Both sides have tight border posts and bunkers, which are difficult to break each other.


But once we enter the area covered by the forces of the PLA, the PLA Navy and the PLA Air Force, everything changes.


When it comes to large-scale non-nuclear war, China has a decisive advantage over India in all fields. China's land, air, sea and space forces are much better than India's.


1. A very superior and effective missile platform.


2. Combat stealth fighter.


3. A more advanced air force twice as large, mainly local aircraft.


4. Greater naval power, with more advanced platforms, a large number of submarines and more defense weapons.


5. A well-trained army with obvious logistics advantages. India's military logistics are in a mess.


6. Most importantly, the Chinese government has the determination and strength that India lacks. Remember, this is a country that is at war with the greatest military force in the history of the world, the Soviet Union, on some vague border territories.


China's aircraft and naval vessels often confront the air and sea aggressors from the United States and its closest allies, Japan and South Korea, without any damage.


The Chinese navy has repeatedly driven away the offending US navy ships in the South China Sea and blinded the other side's air force pilots with lasers.


Anyone who underestimates China's grand strategy and its will and determination to fight to the end is at their own risk.


Nuclear war will not happen because it will be the absolute end of two civilizations.


The PLA Navy's 094 nuclear ballistic missile submarine. India has no similar submarine.


Chengdu J-20 supersonic stealth fighter. India's most advanced fighter will be the fourth generation of French Rafael fighter that has not yet been introduced.


The VT4 main battle tank of the People's Liberation Army is ahead of India's Arjun MBT generation.


The PLA Air Force bombed - 6K long-range bombers. There are no bombers in India.


The 61398 Force of the Chinese Army is the most advanced network warfare force in the world, and the blueprints of F-35 JSF, electromagnetic railgun, future aircraft carrier and so on are all worth mentioning. As the United States government accused. India does not have such a strong cyber force. Therefore, China has advantages.

中国陆军61398部队是世界上最先进的网络战部队,F-35 JSF、电磁轨道炮、未来航空母舰等蓝图对它来说都不在话下。正如美国政府指控的那样。印度没有如此强大的网络部队。因此,中国具有优势。

This is a topic of great concern. After reading a lot of answers, I found a more interesting phenomenon. The Indians analyzed the war more seriously. The Chinese laughed it off, and they didn't take it seriously.


I think this differentiation is one of the reasons for the misunderstanding between China and India, so I earnestly help the Chinese answer once.


For the Chinese people, the Sino-Indian war is a remote hypothetical issue. The Chinese people, including the military, did not take this issue seriously. Chinese strategic experts believe that even if there is any major conflict between China and India, it cannot become a war:


1. China and India are big countries, and there is no way to eliminate or conquer each other.


2. The Himalayas are the highest mountain in the world. They completely made China and India independent. Since 2000, there has never been any war between China and India. Today, the development of science and technology can only break through the Himalayas in a small scale. Therefore, although China and India belong to Asia, they are two parallel universes. Geopolitical conflicts are the result of western hype, not the real existence.


3. China and India are land powers, and they are not good at sailing. The rulers of the sea are Americans. Whether China or India want to develop their sea power, they must first face the US Navy. As far as I know, neither China nor India is interested in challenging the US maritime hegemony, so China and India cannot fight at sea.


4. There is no real conflict of interest between China and India. Most conflicts between China and India are hyped by Westerners. For example, the border conflict in 1962 was caused by the delimitation of the boundary line by Britain. The Chinese and Indian people should not be fooled, but should settle peacefully and develop together.


To be honest, China is much stronger militarily than India, because China's defense expenditure is $220 billion, almost three times that of India.


India and China: The following is a comparison of the military assets of the two sides:


















? The war between India and China means that 2.6 billion people will fight. It's hard to imagine, right?


? The "no first use" policy of the two countries on nuclear weapons makes the possibility of a nuclear war even less likely.


India has no chance to defeat China in a large-scale war.


Although I have listed and compared the figures on paper, they are of little significance in the real war. Tanks, aircraft and ships will be destroyed quickly in combat. What really matters is the ability to maintain supply, which requires capital, manufacturing capacity and military technology. Unfortunately, India is inferior to China in all three aspects.


China's economy is five times larger than India's. In a war of burning money, China's economy will only last longer. It is not an offence to be a manufacturing power, but India and China are unmatched. Military technology, Arjun tank, HAL Tejas, INS Vikrant, they all failed.

中国的经济规模是印度的五倍,在一场烧钱的战争中,中国的经济只会持续更长的时间。制造业强国,这不是冒犯,但印度与中国不可匹敌。军事技术,Arjun坦克,HAL Tejas,INS Vikrant,他们都是失败的。

When I read about the news that the Indian aircraft carrier has been built for decades, but it is still just a shell, I was very shocked. It shows many things about India. On the other hand, China provides services. Chinese people say less and do more. They are very practical. They have not set unrealistic goals. Aircraft carrier? Learn from Russian Airlines and build one in less than 4 years (it has not been put into use technically, but still has impressive progress). The Chinese have proved that they can get something from the product line.


My Indian friends, I'm sorry to be so frank. I love India and admire your diverse culture, but the fact is the fact.


I hope that there will never be any war between China and India again, and I wish for world peace.
