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2023-10-04 16:40:05


日本。 日本可以说是世界上最古老的国家。 这个国家可以追溯到公元前 660 年,由神武天皇创立,至少有 2600 年的历史


中国历史上的事件记录可以追溯到商朝(公元前 1600 年至 1046 年)。 许多书面例子幸存下来,包括刻在或画在龟甲或骨头上的仪式铭文、占卜和记录姓氏。


你不能比这更早。 在历史书籍中记录重大事件的传统始于公元前 2900 年左右美索不达米亚的苏美尔人(或者可能在埃及更早,但这是一个更有争议的理论)。



日本——公元前 660 年。 虽然经常有争议,但据说公元前 660 年是日本建国的年份。 ...

中国——公元前 221 年。 ...

圣马力诺——公元 301 年。 ...

法国——公元 843 年。 ...

匈牙利——公元 1000 年。 ...

埃及——公元前 3500 年。 ...

希腊——公元前 3000 年。


一项新的基因组研究表明,澳大利亚原住民是地球上已知最古老的文明,其祖先可追溯到大约 75,000 年前






哪个帝国存在时间最长? 罗马帝国是有记载的历史上持续时间最长的帝国。 它可以追溯到公元前 27 年,并持续了 1000 多年。

Which country is the oldest in the world?

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Japan. Japan is arguably the oldest country in the world. Dating back to 660 BCE, the nation was founded by Emperor Jimmu, and is at least 2,600 years old

How did China record history?

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The recording of events in Chinese history dates back to the Shang dynasty (c. 1600–1046 BC). Many written examples survive of ceremonial inscriptions, divinations and records of family names, which were carved or painted onto tortoise shell or bones.

What's the oldest recorded history?

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You can't get any earlier than that. The tradition of recording significant events in the history books started with the Sumerians in Mesopotamia around 2900 bc (OR POSSIBLY, sightly earlier in Egypt but this is a more controversial theory).

What are the 7 oldest countries in the world?

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7 oldest countries in the world

Japan – 660 BCE. Although often disputed, 660 BCE is said to be the year when Japan came into existence. ...China – 221 BCE. ...San Marino – 301 CE. ...France – 843 CE. ...Hungary – 1000 CE. ...Egypt – 3500 BC. ...Greece – 3000 BC.

What is the oldest culture in the world?

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A new genomic study has revealed that Aboriginal Australians are the oldest known civilization on Earth, with ancestries stretching back roughly 75,000 years

Is Chinese civilization older than Egypt?

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All existing archaeological evidence and studies from around the world support the conclusion that Egypt's ancient civilisation appeared far earlier than that of China's, despite the shared similarities

What's the longest empire in history?

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The Roman Empire

What was the longest-lasting empire? The Roman Empire is the longest-lasting empire in all of recorded history. It dates back to 27 BC and endured for over 1000 years.