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2023-07-11 16:55:36

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The behavior that determines the length of one's lifespan is based on exercise, sleep, and many people cannot achieve it! Even if you're busy, take 5 minutes to check it out
The way to nourish oneself is to first nourish the mind, first nourish the mind, and then nourish the spleen and stomach
High quality longevity means that when you grow old, your body remains healthy
Only by maintaining joy can one have an open mind and a rich soul
Exercise regularly, sleep well, drink a glass of warm water, have a regular schedule, drink a glass of milk with honey, wake up early and defecate as a biological clock, enjoy old age, play well, and drink less alcohol
-The joy and freedom of life will not be diminished by the wind or rain. As long as you choose happiness, happiness will follow
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Thank you for watching. Wishing you health and longevity!