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世界上最古老的 13 个国家-日本:1500 万年前- 中国:公元前2100年

2023-07-20 17:00:10

世界可以追溯到数十亿年前。 我们怎么知道呢? 好吧,历史学家已经能够追溯我们的祖先并得出这个结论。 对于我们中的许多人来说,这个事实并不是什么新鲜事。 哈拉巴文化的存在证明了世界上最古老的国家很久以前就已经存在,而且实际上已经很古老了。 这些见证了地球上文明成长的地方,你不想去探索吗? 你问几岁? 好吧,请继续阅读以找出世界上最古老的国家。 你可能想不到,这些国家早已根植于古代,自豪地屹立不倒。 而现在,当你去拜访他们时,你一定会对他们有新的认识,这会让你的旅行更加有趣和精彩。

世界上最古老的 13 个国家
让我们深入了解历史,看看哪些地方成为世界上最古老的国家之一。 这些国家在历史上有着特殊的记录。 不浪费您的时间,让我们踏上前往世界上这 13 个最古老国家的旅程:

法国:公元 486 年
圣马力诺:公元 301 年
葡萄牙:900 岁
希腊:公元前 4500 年
埃塞俄比亚:500 万年
日本:1500 万年前
亚美尼亚语:公元前 6500 年
伊朗:公元前 620 年
埃及:公元前 6000 年
越南:4000 年历史
朝鲜:公元前 7 世纪

The world dates back to billions of years. How do we know this? Well, historians have been able to trace our ancestry and arrive at this conclusion. This fact would not be very new for many of us. The existence of the Harappa culture is proof that the oldest countries in the world came into existence a long time ago and are in fact, ancient. Don’t you want to explore these places that have witnessed the civilizations growing on the earth? How old, you ask? Well, read ahead to find out the top oldest countries in the world. You might not have thought that these countries have been standing proudly with their roots long back in time. And now when you will visit them, you will definitely have a new perception towards them which will make your trip even more interesting and exciting.

Top 13 Oldest Countries In The World
Let’s dig into history to find out which places win the top spot for being one of the oldest countries in the world. These countries hold a special record in history. Without wasting any more of your time, let’s embark on a journey to these 13 oldest nations in the world:

France: 486 AD
San Marino: 301 AD
Portugal: 900 Years Old
Greece: 4500 BC
Ethiopia: 5 Million Years
Japan: 15 Million Years Old
China: 2100 BC
Armenia: 6500 BC
Iran: 620 BC
Egypt: 6000 BC
India: 2500 BC
Vietnam: 4000 Years Old
North Korea: 7th Century BC