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2020-12-07 08:56:25


房客吸毒, 养南美Falabella矮种马 Tenant drug abuse, raising South American Falabella Ponies.


我曾经有一个房子后面的院子很大,房客是一对夫妻带两个孩子. 太太很瘦,异乎寻常的瘦,先生告诉我,他养了一匹小马在后院,如果附近有什么活动,集会,谁家孩子办生日,有时候会让他把马运过去, 让孩子们骑得开心!养一匹马很贵,既便是一匹小马,要买干草要买冬天的披衣,要买整个辔头绳索马鞍,可是生意并不怎么好!过了一年多他告诉我,他要搬走了!问他为什么?含着眼泪告诉我说, 他的太太吸毒! 原来吸毒的人都是特别的瘦,瘦到骨头,双眼大而无神,甚至有时泛红. 终于涨知识了,以后看见这样的人坚决不能让他们住. 他们是拉丁裔的. 当我看见鲁豫的时候, 心里打一个楞, 她长得身形非常像他的太太,吓了我一跳.

I used to have a large yard behind my house. The tenants were a couple with two children. The wife was very thin and unusually thin. The husband told me that he had a pony in the backyard. If there is any activity nearby, rally, birthday party, sometimes let him transport the horse and let the children ride happily! It is very expensive to raise a horse. It is a pony. To buy hay, buy a winter shawl, buy a whole hoe, rope, saddle, costs a lot of money. Yet the business is not so good! After more than a year he told me that he had to move away! Ask him why? With tears telling me that his wife is taking drugs! Those drug addicted were particularly thin, thin to the bones, big eyes and no shining, and sometimes even reddish. Finally, I gained some knowledge. Later, if I see such people firmly unable to let them move in. They are Latinos. When I saw  Lu Yu from CCTV, I felt awkward in my heart. She looked very much like my tenant’s wife, and that scared me so much.

