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2020-12-07 08:56:25

Feb 11, 2016 at 10:09 PM

在洛杉矶博览会, Costa Rica,骑小马 Riding a pony at the Los Angeles Expo and Costa Rica


在马上很神气的样子, 而且她的身体居然知道随着马的走路一上一下地有韵律地摆动!有一次带她去哥斯达黎加,在一片开阔的草原上, 有一个项目是可以骑马的. 她一定要单独自己骑马, 这个 Jackie从小就不愿跟别人分享, 怎么商量都不肯, 长大了你们以后要小心呢, 不是一个省油的灯!说不定还会跟男朋友争话语权的!于是边上一位哥斯达黎加小帅哥就陪她一起骑!他大概19岁吧,还挺会逗孩子的, 在边上树丛中摘下一朵鲜艳的花, 插在她的头耳朵边, 告诉她看上去就像拉丁女郎, 于是兴高采烈地骑马一颠一颠地上路了!到了终点还不肯下来. 还是那位小帅哥抱她下来的. 哎呀,下来以后第一句话,“ mama, again!"


Jackie likes to ride horses. Every time the Los Angeles County Fair opens, the little horses will be brought to the children to ride. Starting from the age of two, riding on the horse is very eager, and her body knows that with the horse walking Have a rhythmic swing on the top! Once I took her to Costa Rica, on an open grassland, there is a project that can ride horses. She must ride her own horse alone. This Jackie is not willing to share with others since she was a child. How can I discuss it, I will grow up after you grow up. Be careful, not a fuel-efficient light! Maybe even arguing with my boyfriend! So a little Costa Rica boy on the side will ride with her! He is about 19 years old, and he will tease the children. He picks up a bright flower in the bushes and puts it in her head and ears, telling her that she looks like a Latin girl, so she is riding happily. Going on the road! At the end of the line, I still refused to come down. Or the little handsome guy hugged her down. Oh, the first sentence after coming down, "mama, again!"

