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2020-12-21 17:00:09

If you don't fully comply to the leftist agenda 'you are the enemy'

Sky News Australia
2 hrs ago

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If you don't fully comply to the leftist agenda 'you are the enemy'

Sky News host Cory Bernardi says if people don't fully comply with the agenda of the Democrats, and their more radical leftists, then "you're an enemy". 

Mr Bernardi said it will be a challenge to unite the American nation and promote it back "to its former land of glory" because those on the left of the political divide do seem to want to "have a totalitarian nature". 

? Provided by Sky News Australia

"If you don't fully comply and sign up to their agenda, well then you're an enemy and they try and shut you down," Mr Bernardi said.

It comes as Joe Biden recently addressed Americans following his confirmation as the United States President-elect after the Electoral College met today to cast their ballots. 

“I will be president for all Americans, I will work just as hard for those of you who didn’t vote for me as I will for those who did," Mr Biden said.

“There’s urgent work in front of us."