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墨西哥城 印第安土着人击鼓跳舞,助游客驱邪避难

2022-11-10 16:40:02

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Stroll through Mexico City, and you’re sure to hear the percussion-led rhythm or spot the lively movements of groups of elaborately dressed dancers at one point or another. Often referred to as the ‘Aztec Dancers’ of Mexico City, they are technically known as concheros and have a rich history. Here’s everything you need to know about the contemporary concheros, aka Mexico City’s ‘Aztec Dancers’, including where to see them

漫步在墨西哥城,您一定会听到以打击乐为主导的节奏,或在某一时刻发现一群精心打扮的舞者的活泼动作。 通常被称为墨西哥城的“阿兹特克舞者”,拥有丰富的历史。 


While many labour under the illusion that the Aztec Dancers of the Mexican capital are merely there for the amusement of tourists, the dancers and the dance itself have a long and rich history, one which colonial Christian’s tried to destroy. Although they’re now known as concheros, this wasn’t always the case for these dancers. In fact, the name concheros stems from the Christian introduction of a type of guitar known as a concha into their dancing rituals; however, this was no kind-hearted act, as the intent was to subvert the traditional rituals and religion of the natives. Even so, the concheros dancers believe that fighting ignorance, rather than governments and religion, is the way to live life.

虽然许多人认为墨西哥首都的阿兹特克舞者只是为了娱乐游客,但舞者和舞蹈本身有着悠久而丰富的历史,殖民时期的基督徒试图摧毁这一历史。 尽管他们现在被称为 concheros,但这些舞者并非总是如此。 事实上,concheros 这个名字源于基督教在他们的舞蹈仪式中引入了一种被称为 concha 的吉他。 然而,这并不是善意的行为,因为其意图是颠覆当地人的传统仪式和宗教。 即便如此,concheros 的舞者们相信,与无知而不是政府和宗教作斗争才是生活的方式

So, while the contemporary Aztec Dancers of Mexico City are a far cry from the concheros of the past, they take much of their inspiration from ancient ritual and traditional dance, bringing it to a modern audience and reminding everyone about Mexico’s Aztec (and mestizo) past.

因此,虽然墨西哥城的当代阿兹特克舞者与过去的管弦乐队相去甚远,但他们的大部分灵感来自古代仪式和传统舞蹈,将其带给现代观众,并提醒每个人关于墨西哥的阿兹特克(和混血) 过去的。


Easily spotted from a mile away, the Aztec Dancers of Mexico City are bedecked in feathered headdresses (penachos), scanty pieces of cloth decorated with vibrant figures and designs, as well as the famed shell-embellished ankle cuffs that provide much of the musical beat for the dance. Female dancers typically use huipiles too, and both men and women sometimes incorporate body paint into their look, which more accurately represents the god or animal they’re honouring. However, the outfits can change from person to person and group to group, as they’re decided based on social status (not class).


从一英里外很容易发现,墨西哥城的阿兹特克舞者戴着羽毛头饰(penachos),装饰着充满活力的人物和设计的少量布料,以及提供大部分音乐节拍的着名贝壳装饰的脚踝袖口 为舞蹈。 女舞者通常也使用 huipiles,男性和女性有时都会在他们的外表中加入人体彩绘,这更准确地代表了他们所尊敬的神或动物。 然而,服装可以因人而异,因人而异,因为它们是根据社会地位(而不是阶级)决定的。


The dance itself is enthralling and genuinely entertaining; it’s overflowing with life, percussion-heavy beats and filled with religious significance to boot. Each routine reflects the duality of the Aztec culture, with women, the night, the jaguar and the earth on one side and men, the day, the eagle and water on the other, and features circles heavily.

However, entertainment is not the principal objective; rather, honouring the Gods and forming a link with the cosmos is the overall goal of the concheros’ dance. For that reason, the four cardinal points are blessed before the start of the routine and steps are dedicated to the harvest, fertility, earth, fire and water. There are also several instruments incorporated into the performance, such as the concha de armadillo guitar from which they take their name, the huehuétl and teponaztle drums, as well as ayoyote and ayacachtli maracas/percussion instruments.


舞蹈本身令人着迷且真正有趣。 它充满了生命,打击乐沉重的节拍,并充满了宗教意义。 每一个套路都反映了阿兹特克文化的二元性,一侧是女性、黑夜、美洲虎和大地,另一侧是男性、白天、鹰和水,并且特征很重。

然而,娱乐不是主要目标; 相反,祭祀神灵并与宇宙建立联系是康切罗斯舞蹈的总体目标。 出于这个原因,在例行程序开始之前,四个基本点被祝福,并且步骤致力于收获,肥沃,土,火和水。 表演中还加入了几种乐器,例如他们得名的 concha de armadillo 吉他、huehuétl 和 teponaztle 鼓,以及 ayoyote 和 ayacachtli maracas/打击乐器。

Where to see them

The most common place to catch a glimpse of these hypnotising dancers is in Mexico City’s Zocalo (central square), where they can often be spotted dancing alongside the Catedral Metropolitana. However, they can be seen at various points throughout the Historic Centre, including outside the Museo Nacional de Arte (Plaza Tolsá), the Museo del Templo Mayor and La Villa.

It’s also common to see them in set locations during festive periods. For example, for Santiago Apóstol, you’ll catch them in Tlatelolco, and around the Virgen de Guadalupe celebrations, they’ll be outside the Basilica.


看到这些催眠舞者最常见的地方是在墨西哥城的 Zocalo(中央广场),在那里经常可以看到他们在 Catedral Metropolitana 旁边跳舞。 然而,它们可以在整个历史中心的不同地点看到,包括国家艺术博物馆(托尔萨广场)、市长 Templo 博物馆和别墅外。

在节日期间在固定地点看到它们也很常见。 例如,对于 Santiago Apóstol,您将在 Tlatelolco 捕捉到它们,在 Virgen de Guadalupe 庆祝活动期间,它们将在大教堂外。

贴主:nowhere1于2022_10_13 17:49:12编辑