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2020-11-03 17:15:04

Dec 3, 2015 at 8:40 PM


子非鱼,安知鱼之乐 not a fish, how do you know that fish is happy


小时候读古文有一个“子非鱼,安知鱼之乐”的有哲学意味的故事. 讲两个朋友在鱼塘边观鱼,一个看得入神说,哎呀你看这鱼多快乐呀!另一个说,你又不是鱼,你怎么知道鱼快乐?

When I was a child, I read a story about the philosophical meaning of "not a fish, how do you know the enjoyment of afish". Two friends talked about fish in the fish pond, one staired at fish, “oh, you see how happy this fish is!” Another said, “you are not a fish, how do you know that fish is happy?”


Jackie在学校做什么我不太清楚,有时她高兴,会告诉我些事.以前她跟Jeff,Steven相处挺好的. Steven很会哄孩子的, 他有一颗童心. 当他听到universal要在北京开分处的时候,每天他到学校来都是手舞足蹈的, Jeff 就当面调侃他, 说他还在青春期.有一次Jackie告诉我,她问Steven, 为什么狮子喜欢吃人肉,是因为人的肉甜吗?可是她咬了一下自己的肉,一点味道都没有,不好吃!Steven 看着她,不知道怎么回答她. Jeff 在一旁忍不住大笑. 我知道就只有小孩子才会问出这样的问题,不过看得出她是在动脑筋思考了!Steven告诉她狮子想法跟人想法不一样的,对狮子来说人肉是甜的. 于是我就想起了这段子非鱼, 安知鱼之乐的故事! 我在想,对同性恋是不是也有子非鱼,安知鱼之乐的事情呢?肯定两个同性恋的帅哥,那么执着地虔诚地把自己奉献给对方,就像David说的, 粗粗壮壮的,充满肌肉的,看上去就楞头楞脑的男孩,只是这个有点太邪乎了。人真是一个奇怪的动物!


I don’t know what Jackie is doing at school. Sometimes she is happy and will tell me something. She used to get along wellwith Jeff and Steven. Steven is very good at children, he has a childlike heart. When he hears universal in Beijing opened the branch, every day he went to school, he danced. Jeff just ridiculed him and said that he was still in adolescence. Once Jackie told me that she asked Steven why the lion likes to eat human flesh, because of the sweetness of human beings. ? But she bit her own meat, there is no taste at all, not good! Steven looked at her and didn't know how to answer her. Jeff couldn't help but laugh. I knew that only a child would ask such a question, but I can see that she was thinking! Steven told her that the lion's thoughts are different from people's thoughts. For the lion, the human flesh is sweet. So it remindsme of the story of this not fish, without knowing the enjoymentof fish! I am thinking about whether homosexuality is also notfish, without knowing the enjoyment of fish situation. I am sure that the two gay guys are so dedicated and persistent to each other, as David said, the thick, muscular, boy who looks strong, but this is a bit too weird. People are really strange animals!