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为《江南文脉诗词篇50集》而做 ????

2022-07-28 17:05:02


Dr. Suann Li 李沭安博士

李沭安博士曾为AT&T,波音,诺斯罗普·格鲁曼等大型国防公司设计复杂的大系统,包括无线通信手机系统,卫星系统,近海声呐系统以及美军使用的许多其他世界范围大系统。李博士周游世界感受世界的美丽,感觉绘画的布局,线条,色彩与系统设计有异曲同工之妙,现在很高兴能分享她的艺术作品所表达的内心世界。WeChat: suann_li

Dr. Suann Li has designed complex large systems for AT&T, Boeing, Northrop Grumman and other large defense companies, including wireless communication mobile phone systems, satellite systems, offshore sonar systems, and many other large-scale systems used by the US military . Dr. Li travels around the world and feels the beauty of the world. She feels that the layout, lines, colors of painting and system design are similar to each other. Now she is very happy to share the inner world expressed by her art works. WeChat: suann_li
