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庭前路畔美丽的天堂鸟 ,不是鸟?

2023-11-05 16:55:03

这个南加州常见的花有个百分之百的鸟名 Bird of Paradise,其实不是鸟 (嗯?)。网上找到下文简要介绍,用Google 译成中文对照。


The Bird of Paradise, also known as the crane flower, is a tropical plant that is native to South Africa. It is known for its large, brightly colored flowers that resemble the head of a tropical bird. The most common color combination is orange and blue, but it can also come in other color variations such as yellow and red. The Bird of Paradise is a popular choice for indoor and outdoor gardens, and it is also a popular cut flower.

Bird of paradise plants can grow up to 4 to 5 feet tall and 3 to 4 feet wide. They have long, glossy green leaves that can reach up to 3 feet in length. The plant produces large, dramatic flowers that are held on tall stalks above the foliage. The flowers are long-lasting and can remain on the plant for several weeks.

天堂鸟,又称鹤花,是一种热带植物,原产于南非。 它以其巨大、色彩鲜艳的花朵而闻名,花朵类似于热带鸟类的头部。 最常见的颜色组合是橙色和蓝色,但也可以有其他颜色变化,例如黄色和红色。 天堂鸟是室内外花园的热门选择,也是一种受欢迎的切花。

天堂鸟植物可长至 4 至 5 英尺高、3 至 4 英尺宽。 它们有长而有光泽的绿色叶子,长度可达 3 英尺。 这种植物会开出巨大而引人注目的花朵,花朵长在叶子上方的高茎上。 花朵持久,可以在植物上保留数周。