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2023-04-25 16:44:23

传统的乌兹别克斯坦男装被称为“khalat”或“chapan”,这是一种长及脚踝的宽松长袍。 khalat 或 chapan 通常由丝绸或棉制成,通常装饰有刺绣、图案和鲜艳的色彩。

对于女性来说,传统服饰被称为“乌兹别克民族服饰”或“丝绸扎染裙”,也有丝绸或棉布制成的。 这件连衣裙通常长而飘逸,有合身的紧身胸衣和宽裙。 乌兹别克民族服饰通常装饰有复杂的刺绣、彩色图案和珠饰。

除了传统服饰外,乌兹别克斯坦还有各式各样的地方服饰,因地区和场合而异。 例如,在费尔干纳山谷,男人穿一件叫做“kamzand”的宽松长外套,而女人则穿一件叫做“parandja”的彩色连衣裙。 在乌兹别克斯坦的其他地区,男性可能会穿一件名为“cheki”的羊皮大衣,而女性则穿一件名为“beshketma”的绣花长裙。


Traditional Uzbekistan dress for men is called "khalat" or "chapan," which is a long, loose-fitting robe that reaches down to the ankles. The khalat or chapan is usually made of silk or cotton, and it is often decorated with embroidery, patterns, and bright colors.

For women, the traditional dress is called "uzbek national dress" or "silk ikat dress," and it is also made of silk or cotton. The dress is usually long and flowing, with a fitted bodice and a full skirt. The uzbek national dress is often decorated with intricate embroidery, colorful patterns, and beading.

In addition to the traditional dress, Uzbekistan also has a variety of regional costumes that vary by region and by occasion. For example, in the Fergana Valley, men wear a long, loose-fitting coat called "kamzand," while women wear a colorful dress called "parandja." In other parts of Uzbekistan, men may wear a sheepskin coat called "cheki," while women wear a long, embroidered dress called "beshketma."

Overall, traditional Uzbekistan dress is characterized by its colorful, ornate designs and its use of natural materials such as silk and cotton.