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2020-05-13 17:00:39



“我每天都在冒着生命危险去做这件事(救治新冠肺炎患者),但现在让我感到震惊的是,他们没有意识到这一点,或者他们没有看到我所做的工作的价值,” 加拿大籍医生朱莉娅·艾弗拉特周二对CNN主持人克里斯·科莫这样说道。

"I'm putting my life on the line every day to do this, and it's just blowing my mind right now that they are not appreciating it or they don't see the value in what I'm offering to do," Dr. Julia Iafrate told CNN's Chris Cuomo on Tuesday. "


"I'm honestly beside myself. It's like a slap in the face."



"Because I'm a doctor," Iafrate said, "because that's what I do, because I know that I can help."



Dr. Julia Iafrate has been on the front lines treating coronavirus patients for weeks.


Several days ago, Iafrate says she heard from US Citizenship and Immigration Services that her green card application had been denied.


"I was blindsided. I was flabbergasted, and so was my immigration lawyer and so was my chair of my department and everyone else involved in this case," she said.



"They ask you to be an expert in your field ... and I am. I've proven that time and time again.


And I was just blown away that at this time, of all times, they don't think it's necessary to have someone like me here."


"It's heart wrenching. ... I don't know what to do.


“根据证据充分性标准,如果申请人提供的证据不足以证明其资格,机构裁决人员可以要求进一步的证据并随后予以拒绝。” 该机构表示,“申请人(而非政府)有责任证明潜在受益人符合法律规定的资格要求。”


Iafrate says she's appealing the government's decision in her case.

据《国会山报》(The Hill)报道,本周美国两党参议院通过了一项法案,这将使医生和护士更容易获得绿卡。


"It is unacceptable that thousands of doctors currently working in the U.S. on temporary visas are stuck in the green card backlog, putting their futures in jeopardy and limiting their ability to contribute to the fight against COVID-19,” Sen. Dick Durbin (D-Ill.) said in a statement.